Sunday 23 July 2023

Medieval Games - Tallfwrdd - a Welsh board game

 Medieval Games


a Welsh board game

This game is mentioned in three of the Welsh legends in the Mabinogion: The Dream of Magnus Maximus, Peredur son of Efrawg and the Dream of Rhonabwy.  

Tallfwrdd (literally peg-board) is described in the mid-tenth century Cyfrraith Hywel Dda (The Laws of Hywel Dda) which specifies the value of various boards provided to the members of the king’s court. 

A similar game is refered to in a 16th century manuscript that has the same main rule but players roll a die and need to get an even number before they can make their move otherwise their opponent gets a dice throw to see if they get to move. 

It is clearly related to the Viking game of "Hfentafl" as it has a King in the centre of the board, protected by 8 bodyguards and his oppents have 16 men to attack him.


The sixteen attackers and the king's eight bodyguards are placed on the board as shown in the photograph above.

The king's side wins if he reaches the safety of a the corner square.  The king loses if the attackers prevent him doing this. The king can also be captured at the edge of the board by being surrounded by three opposing pieces or in the middle of the board if surrounded by four pieces.

Only the king is allowed to move on or through the centre square or the 4 corner squares. 

Each piece can only move one orthogonal (i.e. up/down or left/right and not diagonally) space at a time.

You take an opponent’s piece by getting it between two of your own. 

A piece can move in between two opposing pieces without being captured. 

Even if it is not occupied by the king, the centre square counts as an additional ‘man’ ie any piece (except the king) sandwiched between it and another piece is captured. 

No survivng rules tell us which side starts play first but in general you will get a better game  if the attackers begin the game.

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